My preferences

You can set your preferences for email notifications, language, timezone and mobile notifications.

Setting your preferences for activity notifications

Following are the steps:

  1. Go to top right side and tap on your profile pic or initial.
  2. Select My preferences option.

In the My preferences tab you can set the following:

  1. Preference for email notifications

To set your preference for emails, tap on Email preferences where you will get following options:

    1. Project progress

With this option, you’ll be able to set a preference for receiving progress reports for those projects which you manage. To set your preference for it click on the dropdown under Project progress, where, you’ll get the following options:

        • Never send me a project progress report
        • Send me project progress report daily
        • Send me project progress report weekly
        • Send me project progress report monthly

    1. My activities
      • Email me a copy of my activities
        With this option, you can ensure that you’ll receive email notifications for any activity that you do.
      • Email me daily agenda at 07:00 am
        With this option, you can ensure you receive daily agenda email at 7:00 am of your time.

  1. Account activities

To set up the email preferences related to all the activities happening on the ProofHub account user can select.

    • Never send me email notifications
    • Send me email digest after every one hour
    • Send me email digest after every four hours
    • Immediately send me email notifications

Control on email notifications

ProofHub gives you complete control on email notifications. You don’t need to scratch head if your inbox is getting bombarded with the email that you don’t want to receive. From the set of different type of activities, you can select the activities for which you want to receive notifications.

You can set notification rules under “Email preferences” if you select the option to receive the emails immediately.

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