How to add and manage timesheets

Add a timesheet

  1. Navigate to the time section: Select the specific project where you want to create the timesheet. Click the “Time” tab on the left-side menu.

  2. Create a new timesheet: Click on the “+” icon to initiate the creation of a new timesheet.

  3. Enter timesheet details: Enter a title and other details for your timesheet in the provided fields.
  • Estimated timeYou can provide an estimate for the timesheet in the given column.
  • Private timesheetIf you want to keep this timesheet as private, then check the option “Mark as private” and select “Subscribers” with whom you wish to share the timesheet.

4. Save the timesheet: After entering the details, click the “Add” button to save your new timesheet.

Edit a timesheet

  1. Click the three-dots icon or right-click on the timesheet and select “Edit“.

  2. Edit the details Modify the details of the timesheet title or “Mark as private”. After making changes, click “Update” to save.

Delete a timesheet

  1. Click the three-dots icon or right-click on the timesheet and select “Delete“.
  2. Delete: Select “Yes” within this confirmation window to delete.

Note: ProofHub keeps items in the “Trash” for 15 days. Restore them easily by going to Trash. For detailed instructions on restoring deleted items from the trash, please refer to Trash.

Archive a timesheet

  1. Click the three-dots icon or right-click on the timesheet and select “Archive“.
  2. Confirm archiveSelect “Yes” within this confirmation window to archive.

Unarchive a timesheet

  1. Navigate to the time section: Select the specific project and click the “Time” tab on the left-side menu.

  2. Use filterClick on the filter to toggle from active to archived timesheets.

  3. Select timesheetOn the archived timesheet, click the three dots, or right-click to select “Unarchive”

Bookmark a timesheet

  1. Click the three-dots icon or right-click on the timesheet and select “Bookmark“.

  2. The bookmarked timesheet will appear in the right-side menu with other saved bookmarks.

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