Save chat messages

ProofHub’s save chat feature allows you to save important or noteworthy conversations that you have with individuals or groups. Saved messages are stored in a separate window dedicated to organizing and accessing them later.

Saving messages can be beneficial for:

  1. Keeping track of essential details.
  2. Referring back to previous conversations.
  3. Sharing information with others.

Saving messages in One-on-One Chats

Save chat one on one in ProofHub

  1. Locate the message you want to save within the chat.
  2. Hover over the message and click on the “Save” icon to save the message.

Saving messages in Group Chats

save message in group chat in ProofHub

  1. Locate the message within the group conversation that you wish to save.
  2. Hover and click: Click the “Save” icon to save the message.

Accessing saved messages

  1. Click on the ‘Saved Messages’ option located at the top of your chat list, above all your other chats.
    access saved messages 1 in ProofHub
  2. A list of all your saved messages will be displayed.
    Access saved messages 2 in ProofHub

Removing saved messages

  1. Locate and hover over the message you wish to remove from your saved messages.
    removed saved messages 1 in ProofHub
  2. Confirm removal: Click the “Unsave” icon to remove the message from your saved messages.
    confirm removal of message in ProofHub

Note: You can also save media messages in addition to text messages.
You can delete saved messages at any time.

Need more help?

- Can't find the answer to your questions? Contact ProofHub Support
- You can also book a demo.