How to manage trash
The Trash feature in ProofHub acts as a temporary storage area for any deleted items, such as tasks, projects, files, and user accounts. ProofHub keeps items in the “Trash” for 15 days.
Restore deleted items
- Manage section: Select the “Manage” section and select “Trash“.

- Restore item: Right-click on the item you want to restore and select “Restore“. The item will be moved back to its original location in ProofHub.

Clear trash
- Click on the three dots on the top right corner of the trash interface.
- Select the “Delete all” option to clear all items permanently.

Filter deleted items
- At the top of the trash interface, click on the filter icon to open the filter menu.

- Select the section of the deleted items you want to view (e.g., tasks, projects, files, people). The trash will display only the items from the selected section, making it easier to find specific deleted items.