How to add and manage resource reports

Resource report

You can view the report for an individual person. It details the specific projects they are involved in, highlighting the tasks assigned to them within these projects. The report tracks their progress, showing how much of each task has been completed, and identifies any tasks that are overdue. This allows for a clear assessment of the individual’s productivity. It is also a default report and the default report cannot be altered.

  1. Navigate to the reports section: Select the “Resource report”.
  2. Select people: Select the person whose report you want to retrieve.
  3. In the report for the selected person, you’ll see the following information:
    • Summarized information: You will be able to see the summarized information of the person such as last login, access role, total projects assigned, etc.
    • Projects: A bar graph will display open tasks and milestones for each project. Additionally, a table will provide details such as the project name, start and end dates, category, the number of overdue versus open milestones, and the number of overdue versus open tasks.
    • Milestones: You will be able to view a timeline showing all milestones assigned to the selected person, displayed on their respective due dates. Below the timeline, a table will list all milestones in chronological order. This table will include details such as the milestone name, the person it is assigned to, who completed it, the completion date, and the current status.
      Milestone in resource report in ProofHub
      Note: The overdue, upcoming, and completed milestones are denoted with separate colors of red, black, and green respectively.
    • Burn up chart – Tasks: You will be able to view two line graphs that track the progress of completed tasks versus total tasks. These graphs provide insight into the rate at which tasks are being assigned to and completed by the selected person.

      Below the graphs, a table will list open tasks, displaying information such as task name, list name, stage name, overdue status, and assignees.
    • Tasks by labels: You will be able to view the count of tasks assigned to the selected person, categorized by labels. The data will be presented in a table that breaks down the total count of tasks into overdue versus open and completed. Additionally, a pie chart will display the count of tasks associated with each label.
    • Time logged: Information regarding time logged by the person will show up here. The time entries will appear grouped by status and also by the timesheet.

Note: You can download the resource report in PDF format.

Workload report

You can use the “Workload Report” to select a specific person or a group of people and obtain a list of their tasks. The workload report is particularly useful for viewing metrics related to an individual across all of their assigned work.

  1. Navigate to the reports section: Click on the “+”.
    Navigated to report section for workload report in ProofHub
  2. Under “Resource report” select “Workload report” and click “Next”.
  3. Enter the report details:
    • Add a “Title” and select the people whose workload reports you wish to retrieve.
    • Select whether you want to retrieve the report for the current month, or the next month, or input custom dates.
    • You can choose if you want to include the tasks with no dates as well and click “Add”.
  4. A report will be generated where you will be able to see all the projects and tasks assigned to the person with their progress.

Note: You can download the workload report in PDF format.

Task completion by resource

Task completion by resource report is an excellent method to review which users finished specific tasks within a chosen timeframe. This can offer valuable insights when seeking an overview of ongoing activities and individual contributions.

  1. Navigate to the reports section: Click on the “+”.
  2. Under “Resource report” select “Task completion by resource” and click “Next”.

  3. Enter the report details:
    • Add a “Title” and select the assignees whose task completion by the report you wish to retrieve.
    • Choose a day, week, or month option in the “Arrange by” field.
    • Filters: Add multiple filters as per your requirements such as project, due date, and completion date.
    • You can choose if you want to include subtasks in the report.
    • Mark as private: Check the “Mark as private” option if you need to restrict the visibility of the task completion by resource report.
    • Click “Add”.
  4. A report will be generated which can be viewed in either graphical or tabular format, based on your preference.

Note: You can download the task completion by resource report in PDF format or CSV format.

Resource utilization

The resource utilization report tracks the amount of time a project team or individual team member has logged or actually spent working. This feature helps you identify where time is being allocated and assess the productivity of that time.

  1. Navigate to the reports section: Click on the “+”.
  2. Under “Resource report” select “Resource utilization” and click “Next”.
  3. Enter the report details:
    • Add a “Title” and select the assignees whose report you would like to retrieve.
    • Group by: Group by using any of the following options:
      • Project (default)
      • Status
      • Timesheet
      • Tasklist
    • Choose a day, week, or month option in the “Arrange by” field.
    • Filters: Add multiple filters as per your requirements.
    • You can choose if you want to include subtasks in the report.
    • Mark as private: Check the “Mark as private” option if you need to restrict the visibility of the report.
  4. A report will be generated which can be viewed in either graphical or tabular format, based on your preference.

Note: You can download the task completion by resource report in PDF format or CSV format.

Time logged by resource

This report allows you to see the time each resource spends on specific tasks, making it very useful for understanding how long your team members take to complete tasks. For instance, if you want to know the time taken by someone to submit a proposal, you can review their task history and compare it with the time spent on other submissions.

  1. Navigate to the reports section: Click on the “+”.
    Navigate to the report section for time logged by resource report in ProofHub
  2. Under “Resource report” select “Time logged by resource” and click “Next”.
  3. Enter the report details:

    • Add a “Title” and select the assignees whose report you would like to retrieve.
    • Filters: Add multiple filters as per your requirements.
    • You can choose if you want to include subtasks in the report.
    • Mark as private: Check the “Mark as private” option if you need to restrict the visibility of the report.
  4. A report will be generated showing all the time entries of the selected assignees.

Note: You can download the time logged by resource report in CSV format.

Time utilization

The report provides a snapshot of how team members allocate their time across various tasks within your organization. It shows the amount of time each person spends on different tasks, highlighting whether they took longer or were completed faster than expected. This information can be used to adjust your team’s workflow processes, enhancing overall efficiency and collaboration.

  1. Navigate to the reports section: Click on the “+”.
    Navigate to the report section for time utilization report in ProofHub
  2. Under “Resource report” select “Time utilization” and click “Next”.
  3. Enter the report details:
    • Add a “Title” and select the assignees whose report you would like to retrieve.
    • Group by: Group by using any of the following options:
      • Project
      • Status
      • Timesheet
      • Tasklist
    • Filters: Add multiple filters as per your requirements.
    • You can choose if you want to include subtasks in the report.
    • Mark as private: Check the “Mark as private” option if you need to restrict the visibility of the report.
  4. A report will be generated which can be viewed in either graphical or tabular format, based on your preference.

Note: You can download the time utilization report in PDF or CSV format.

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