Add items in Gantt

Add task lists

  1. Select a project.
  2. Go to the Gantt section.
  3. Click on the Add button at the top-left of the page and select List.

  4. Add the following details in the next window:
    • Enter the Title of the task list. 
    • Associate a workflow with the task list.
    • Add Subscribers to the task list.
    • Mark the list as private, if needed.
    • Enable time tracking if you want to track time on tasks. 
    • Associate a milestone with the task list.
    • To track time on the task, Enable time tracking.
  5. Click Add.

Add tasks

  1. Select a project.
  2. Go to the Gantt section.
  3. Click on the Add button at the top-left of the page and select Task.

  4. Add the following details in the next window:
    • Select a Tasklist.
    • Enter the Title and Description of the task.
    • Pick a Start date and Due date.
    • Add Assignees.
    • Select Labels.
    • Set an Estimated time.
    • Attach files.
  5. Click Add.

Add subtasks

  1. Right-click on an existing task and select Add subtask.
  2. Add the following details in the next window:
    • Enter the Title and Description of the subtask.
    • Pick a Start date and Due date.
    • Add Assignees.
    • Select Labels.
    • Set an Estimated time.
    • Attach files.
  3. Click Add.

Note: That task lists, tasks, and subtasks added from here will be synced in other sections as well.

Set dates

  1. To edit the Start date and Due date of a task, double-click on the date panel.
    edit date gantt
  2. Alternatively, you can also drag the task container on the Gantt chart to change the task dates.
    drag to change date
  3. Once the dates are set, you’ll be able to see the duration of the task in the next panel.
  4. You can also set the duration of a task and Due date will be set accordingly. Double-click on the duration panel to change the duration of a task.
    change the due date
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