Add comments and reply via email-in

ProofHub’s email-in feature allows you to post comments while you are on go, without the need to access your account. Each topic of discussion in ProofHub has a unique email-in address that can be saved and used later for posting comments on discussion topics.

Comment via email-in

  1. Select a project.
  2. Go to the Discussions section.
  3. Right-click on the topic and select the option for ” Copy email-in address”.
  4. The email-in address will be copied to the clipboard
  5. Compose an email using your emailing service and paste the email-in address in the recipient field and type your comment in the body of the mail.
  6. Click Send and your comment will be added to the discussion topic.

Reply via email-in

Every time a new comment is added, you receive a notification via email. You can simply reply to that notification email and your comment will be added to the discussion topic.

Note: For a private discussion topic, only the assigned members can comment and reply via email-in.

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