Add topic of discussion

  1. Select Projects from the navigation bar.
  2. Go to Discussions.
  3. Click on the Add button at the top-left of the page and select Topic.
  4. Alternatively, you can add a new topic of discussion by clicking on the Quick add icon on the navigation bar and selecting Topic from the drop-down list.

1. Add the following details in the new window:

    • Select a Project.
    • Enter the Title and Description of the topic.
    • Check the option Mark as private or Pin to top, if needed.
    • Add Subscribers to the discussion topic.
    • Attach files.

2. Click Add.


  • A topic can be subscribed to the whole group at once.
  • A topic that is marked as private will only be visible to the people who are subscribed to it.
  • You can mention other people in the description and comments using the ‘@’ symbol followed by their name.
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