
ProofHub allows you to personalize your account based on your preferences. 

  1. Click on the Manage drop-down from the top-right of your screen.
  2. Select Preferences.
    Manage drop-down Option
  3. Change the date format:
    • Click on the drop-down and select your desired date format (mm/dd/yyyy) or (dd/mm/yyyy)
    • Click Update to save the change.
  4. Change the time format:
    • Click on the drop-down and select your desired time format (24-hour) or (12-hour).
    • Click Update to save the change.
  5. Start week from:
    • Click on the drop-down and select your preferred day to start the week (Sunday) or (Monday).
    • Click Update to save the change.
  6. Select working days:
    • Select the days (maximum 2) that you would like to mark as weekends.
    • Click Update to save the change.
  7. Turn off email notifications for everyone in the entire account:
    • Check off the option Turn off all email notifications for everyone in the entire account, if you want to turn off email notifications for all the users present on your account.
  8. Password policy:
    • Check the option Allow users to only set strong passwords for their accounts.
    • Click Update to save the change.

Preferences option

Only user with access to 'Manage company, custom domain & preferences' can manage the account preferences. The settings are effective for all users in the account.

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