All activities

All activities help you view and analyze project activities done by users from across all or shared projects. Here you can view activities like comments posted, task assignments, file approvals, and more. These activities appear in form of a list and are ordered in the latest to oldest order.

  1. Go to the ‘Everything‘ section from the left navigation bar.
  2. Click on ‘all activities‘ from the top bar.All activities


  • All entries are grouped by date.
  • With each activity, the time of activity will also appear. On hovering over it, the date and time of activity will appear as a tooltip
  • Clicking on an activity will open the activity detail window. You will not be redirected to the section.


In all activities, you can filter data using the 2 filter options.

  1. Projects: Select ‘all’ or ‘one project’ to filter activity data on this screen. Selecting a project name will only show you activities done in that project.  all activities Filters
  2. People: Select ‘all’ or ‘one person’ to filter activity data on this screen. Selecting a person’s name will only show you activities done by the selected user. Select ‘all’ or ‘one person

    A user can only view activities from projects they have access to.

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