Advanced search

ProofHub’s advanced search feature allows you to find tasks, projects, people, files, and more from across all assigned projects and sections on your account.

  1. Click on the search icon present on the top-right of the page.
    Advanced search
  2. Add a keyword to search.
  3. If you want to search across all projects and sections then hit Enter to see the search
  4. However, if you want to search the keyword within any specific project then click on the projects drop-down menu and select the project name to restrict the search within the selected project. Similarly, you can click on the sections drop-down menu to select any specific section to restrict the search within the selected section.
  5. Hit Enter and it will display the results from the selected project or section.projects drop-down menu


  • The entered keyword must be of at least 3 characters.
  • By default, All projects and All sections are selected.
  • Select a specific section or project to restrict the search within it.
  • When you click on any of the displayed results, you will be redirected to that section.
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