Resource report
Following are the steps to access a resource report:
- Select reports from the navigation bar.

- Click on the option for the default user report.

- A new screen will appear in which you need to select a resource.

- On selecting the resource its default report will appear.
- Default report cannot be altered.
- You can download the default report.
In the default report for the selected user you’ll see the following information:
- Summarized information on top:
It comprises of the following information
- Profile photo of the person selected
- Last login: The last time the person logged in.
- Status: It will have either “Active” or “Suspended”
- Added by: Name of the person who added the selected person
- Added on: Date on which person was added to the account
- Access role – Role assigned
- Projects managed – Count of projects on which the selected person is assigned as a manager
- Count of projects assigned
- Count of open milestones
- Count of open tasks
- Count of time logged by the selected person
- Projects
You’ll see a bar graph showing open tasks and milestones in each project. A table containing project name, start and end date, category, count of overdue vis-a-vis open milestones and count of overdue vis-a-vis open tasks.
- Milestones
You’ll be able to see a timeline for all milestones which are assigned to the selected person. They will appear on the dates they are due.
The overdue, upcoming and completed milestones are denoted with separate colors of red, black and green respectively.
Below the timeline, you’ll be able to see a table containing list of all milestones. All milestones will appear chronologically. In the table, one will be able to see milestone name, assigned to, completed by, completed on and status.
- Burn up chart – Task
You’ll be able to see two line graphs which track completed work/tasks and total work/tasks. It’ll help you gain insight on how quickly tasks are being assigned to the selected person and how quickly they’re being completed.
Below it you’ll see list of open tasks in tabular form showing information like task name, list name, stage name, overdue by and assigned to.
- Tasks by label
You’ll be able to see the count of tasks assigned to the selected person to which a label has been assigned. You’ll be able to see data in tabular form in which the total count of tasks will be divided as overdue, completed and open. Along with it see a pie chart showing the count of tasks assigned to each label.
- Time logged
Information regarding time logged by the person will show up here. The time entries will appear grouped by status and also by timesheet.

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