Project Status Report

A project status report allows you to view the status of a project category/project. You can view the status of all projects belonging to the selected projects or project categories.

How to create a project status report

Control who can view the report

Download the Project status report

Create a Projects status report

Following are the steps to create a Project status report:

  1. Select Reports from the navigation bar.
  2. Click on “Add” and select the project status report.
  3. Add “Title” and select the project categories or projects for which you would like to create a report.
  4. Grouped using any of the following options:
    a) Project (default)
    b) Project category
    c) Project statuses
    d) Project manager

  5. Add the multiple filters as per your requirement.

  6. You can view this report in graphical or tabular format depending on the need.

Control who can view the report

You can also control who can view the reports.

Download reports

You can download the report in 2 formats, click on the context menu from the top right and choose the option:
a) Download as PDF
b) Download as CSV 

Note: The owner of the account and the creator of the report can update any report to be visible only to the creator or everyone with access to the reports section.


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