Add projects and invite people

Add projects

  1. Select Projects from the navigation bar.

  1. In the new window, you’ll be able to view and manage all the projects and templates present in your account. 
  2. Click on the Add button at the top-left of the page and select Project from the drop-down list.
  3.  Alternatively, you can add new projects from anywhere in your account by clicking on the Quick add icon on the navigation bar.
  4. Add the following details in the new window:
    • Set a color code. 
    • Add the Title and Description of the Project. 
    • Add assignees to the Project. 
    • Select a Project manager from the list of people working on the Project. 
    • Specify a Start and End date of the Project. 
    • Select the Category of the Project
    • Define a Project Status

5. Click on next and you can enable or disable any tabs from the Project. 

6. Click Add. 

Invite people

Invite people while adding projects

  1. While adding a project, click on the Add person icon.


  1. Add the following details in the new window:
    • Enter the First name and the Last name of the person to be added.
    • Enter a valid Email address.
    • Select an Access role.

3.Click Add.

Invite people to projects using the navigation bar

  1. Click on the Quick add icon on the navigation bar and select Person from the drop-down list. 
    Add new user quick add
  2. Add the following details in the new window:
    • Enter the First name and the Last name of the person to be added.
    •  Kindly note that these special characters “@$#%^~?<>+=():;/\[]{}” are not supported in the name field.
    • Enter a valid Email address.
    • Select an Access role.
    • Add the person to a Group.
    • Assign the person to a Project.
    • Set a Password or let the new user set the password.
    • Choose a native Language.
    • Select a Timezone.
    • Enter the Title.
    • Add a Profile picture or let the new user pick the profile picture.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Or else, you can add people to projects by clicking on the People icon present on the left panel.
  5. Click on the Add button present on the top-left of the page and select Person from the drop-down list.
  6. Add the details of the user in the next window and click Add.
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