Email-in tasks

  1. Tap on a project and select Tasks.
  2. Long-press the desired tasklist and select Copy email-in address.

  1. Copy the email-in address and you can forward the email to this address or follow the specific format to add a task.

First format:

[Task] Task name
[Desc] Description
[Start] 01/12/2016 (Start date)
[End] 01/15/2016 (End date)
[Subtask] Task name
[Desc] Description
[Start] 01/12/2016 (Start date)
[End] 01/17/2016 (End date)

Second format:

* Task name
*d Description
*s 04/12/2016 (Start date)
*e 04/15/2016 (End date)
** Subtask name
*d Description
*s 04/12/2016 (Start date)
*e 04/12/2016 (End date)


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