If you make heavy use of your account, you might run up against plan limits. There are three types of limits set per plan – projects, user, and storage limit.
Out of projects? The account owner can upgrade to next plan anytime. Alternatively, projects can be archived to free up some space. Archived projects don’t count against your plan limit, but the files in them do count against the storage limit.
Whenever the project count or space gets exceeded, ProofHub automatically shows a message to upgrade and the owner can perform the following steps to upgrade plan:
Ran out of storage space? Don’t worry. ProofHub offers plans with massive storage space. With ProofHub, you’ll never have to worry about running out of storage space.
If in case you are subscribed to Premium package plans and need more storage space, you can buy additional storage right from your account.
Note: By default, only the Owner has access to the Manage button. This permission can be given to others using Custom roles.
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