Learn about ProofHub

Plan your tasks. Collaborate with team-members and clients. Organize your work life. Deliver projects on time. And, be happy!

Getting started

  • Project

    ProofHub's Project workspace allows you to plan, collaborate, organize, and deliver work in perhaps the most effective manner.

  • Add people

    Invite your teams/clients to collaborate by adding them over projects.

  • Walkthrough

    A complete walkthrough on how you can use ProofHub to make your work life simpler and better.



  • Gantt Chart

    ProofHub's Gantt charts are a simple method to plan projects and track their progress in real-time.

  • Tasks in Table View

    Table view allows teams to assign and prioritize tasks, share essential task details, as well as capture project information through Custom task fields.

  • Board View

    ProofHub’s comprehensive Kanban boards allow teams to visualize data, limit work in progress, manage workflow, implement feedback loops, and much more.

  • Forms

    Forms in ProofHub enable you to collect requests from clients and external users who aren't members of the account.

  • Widgets and Agenda

    Widgets allow you to customize and control the items in the "Me view."

    Agenda saves you time from having to sift through each project and task list to identify the items you want to focus on.

  • Dark mode and Background image

    Dark Mode to help you personalize your ProofHub account. Choose dark mode for your account by just clicking on a button and Voila!

  • Discussions

    Share ideas, ask questions, find answers, and stay organized through ProofHub Discussions.

  • Notes

    ProofHub allows you to make comprehensive notes in order to quickly store project information.

  • Calendar

    With ProofHub's calendar, you can keep all of your events, tasks, and milestones centrally.

  • Time & Timer

    Time tracking software lets you keep an eye where you and your team are spending time.

  • Project status report

    A project status report provides information about the current status of a project category or project.

  • Project Overview

    Get an overview of your projects to see where they are headed.

  • Files

    With files in ProofHub, you can keep all your important files safe, and neatly organized into folders and subfolders.

  • People

    Add people from your team with whom you want to collaborate, assign them to projects, and add tasks which they are supposed to work on. And, that’s about it.

  • Chat

    ProofHub Chat lets you stay in constant touch with teams and clients instantly.

  • Quickies

    Quickies lets you maintain a list of personal notes, call reminders, appointments and more.

  • Tasks

    Create tasks, subtasks and assign them to teams so that you can stay organized and improve your productivity.

  • Me View

    It displays tasks, milestones and events that are assigned to you from all the projects.

  • Reports

    ProofHub reports provide consolidated, factual and an up-to-date information about all the projects.
